Everything you know is wrong


Name: Knut Haugen
Birthdate: 1976-05-17
Occupation: Programmer and System administrator
Status: hitched
Citizenship: Dual, Norwegian and American
E-mail: knut at knuthaugen dot no
Gpg-key: Here!

Work Experience

Working as a consultant, programmer and webmaster at Linux consultancy firm Linpro in Oslo. Programming java, perl, php and python mainly and being a system administrator, working with databases and linux servers.


  • Java programming on Weblogic Application server, ship trading application. Oracle administration.
  • Newsletter by mail for VG nett, perl/html/MySql.

1999 - 2000
Working freelance for the web-design firm Plym Interaktiv, doing mostly CGI-work in perl.

Freelance journalist and photographer. worked for the local newspaper Øvre Smaalenene, and the Erik Unaas Sport Media publishing house. Covering mainly sports, culture, news etc. also worked summers on the news desk, scanning and handling photographs for the paper. mainly using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator on macs. Also experienced in use and maintenance of a c-41 developing machine.

Teacher, upper elementary school
Worked as a teacher for three weeks, teaching mathematics, English, civics, Norwegian and gymnastics. Mainly for 8th and 9th graders.


1997-2000 :
Studies at Østfold College, Department of Informatics.

Passed courses:
Propro, Grit, Unix, Math I, OOP - java, Media Culture, Proglab, Algdat, Datacomm, Databases, Computer Security, Intranets and Local Networks, Programmering for web, Neural Networks, Problemsolving by design, Componentbased software, Project with Lego Mindstorms and neural networks,


html/xhtml, css, perl/CGI, uml, navigation principles, graphic design, photography, typography, java programming, ,shell programming (sh/csh), net graphics, php, python, backup databases, hardware, Linux configuration and system administration.

Language skills

In addition to having have a good and thorough understanding of the Norwegian language, both orally and in writing, I speak English fluently and write quite well. These webpages are a good example of my English skills. In a pinch I can also make myself understood in German, and understand some (if they keep their tempo down, that is). Learning Spanish now.

Last updated 2016-01-24 20:16:31 © Knut Haugen 1998-2008