Latest additions to the site
Added one more pinhole photograph. In the pinhole section.
2004-08-23 21:20
Added a document about building rpm packages as normal a user in the Linux section.
2004-08-22 17:30
Added even 7 more dance band pictures in the dance band section. The collection just grows and grows
2004-07-13 20:00
Added 7 more dance band pictures in the dance band section. Dead cool, I promise!.
2004-07-13 19:00
Added a section on linux stuff, for now containing a how on generating debian packages from CPAN distributions and a guide on setting up dynamic DNS.
I started a Norwegian dictionary of words that you probably won't find in any other dictionary.
This is my supplement to the Norwegian language.
Well, there you have it. I have started a blog called Megafon and it's in Norwegian. I thought I'd give it a spin in my own language before I venture into the world of international blogging. Try out
I have installed a photo gallery software for easy display of pictures of variuos
topics. It's too much work in thew long run to lay out stuff manually like I did previously. The gallery.
I started a collection of pictures of seventies dansbands from sweden and Norway. I guarantee
you that they are hilarious. See them here..
Added two more short stories to the writings section,
namely Åndelig slåsskamp and
Started "Erik og Einars herlige eventyr".
Added the pictures from the Valdres trip. They are here!
Added a second script to the software page, this time a script for
manipulating the meta information in a jar file. Quite handy if you
do versioning on jar files or manipulate the programmatically.
Look at
Added two more record covers that I have made. They can be found on the design page.
Added my GnuPG key for use in secure communications. It's here!
2001-03-16: Added a page for the band Boretti, with outtakes from three songs from their
forthcoming 12" The Warzaw Waltz ep. The page is located here.
Added the pictures from the second Koster trip. Link is here.