Everything you know is wrong

Misc. stuff

Music to check out
A random list of artists that I have picked up on my way, that I intend to check out. A musical todo-list if you will. I'll try to update it whenever I can (and note if the artist in question suck or not :-)).

-- Ordboka
A Norwegian dictionary of words that you probably won't find in any other dictionary. This is my supplement to the Norwegian language. Ordboka.

-- 70s dancebands
A growing collection of pictures of scandinavian dancebands from the 1960s and 70s. Check out the 70s dancebands!.

-- Erik og Einars herlige eventyr
Two of my friends wnt on a little trip aorund the country (well, at least it was supposed to be around the country) to take pictures and write som text about Norway, its people and the way of Life. A trip laden with car crashes, beautiful girls, heavy intoxication and strange personas. A day by day day diary is what we present here. (In Norwegian) The link is here.

-- GnuPG key
I believe in privacy and the use of strong encryption to obtain it. Therefore, if you have something terribly secret to tell me, please use my GnuPG key.

Last updated 2016-01-24 20:16:31 © Knut Haugen 1998-2008