Soda cans and matchbox cars

New school

New pictures are stored in the the gallery. We have two of the culture clubs outings (moved from somewhere else), and pictures from an old apartment.

Old school

Concert photography
While studying I was fortunate enough to be able to photograph almost all of the conerts at Halden Studentsamfund the three years I was there. Most of them, the best anyway, are shown here. The band pictures
Valdres trip
A trip to the mountains of Valdres, in autumn 2001. Arne couldn't go, sadly. But the trip was a success. There are som mugshots from it right here.
The Camping trip
Summer of 98 myself and three friends went on a small camping trip on Jeløya outside Moss. A fab trip I must say. A lot of happenings indeed. In memory og Jørn Liland (1974-1999). Try out the The camping trip.
The Koster trips (no. 1)
A trip to the Koster Isles on the westcoast of sweden made these pictures possible. There is quite a lot of internal humor here and some of it may shock you, but what the heck. Have a go at the The koster trips (no. 1) pictures.
The Koster trips (no. 2)
Last years (2000) trips was, if possible, even better than the real thing. nothing short of fantastic. But we are getting older, we can feel it. We are desperately clinging on to the small remains of youth we still possess. Have a go at the The koster trips (no. 2) pictures
Self portraits
Self portraits are a fascinating thing. Try out the Self portraits
Pinhole photographs
This is a new hobby of mine. These pictures are taken with an old cookie box. The negatives are 8x10 inches and the camera has a fixed aperture of about 320. Aproximate focal length is 150mm. Try out the pinholes.

Last updated 2016-01-24 20:16:31 © Knut Haugen 1998-2008